Spinal Power

We desire to accomplish a lot of things, but our lack of bravery prevents us from doing them. Even though all the calculations and planning seem to be very profitable, we may still decide to scrap the plan because we are concerned about what might go wrong.

Our bravery to do anything depends on the Bioenergy program in our spinal cord because it is the basis of our "survival instinct".

Bioenergy program that places a high priority on survival, on one hand, does make us safer but on the other hand, also hold us back due to fear.

By copying the Bioenergy program from a persona who is renowned for having a lot of courage, the Spinal Power service modifies the Bioenergy program that already exists in your spinal cord.

Simply let us know which character's bravery you admire, or if you are stuck for inspiration, describe the challenges you are facing, and we will suggest someone who is a good fit.

Everyone is entitled to a FREE TRIAL of this service once for a period of 3 days.

The full version of the Spinal Power service costs IDR 2,000,000 guaranteed repetition for 1 year and normally will have an optimal effect for 2 years.



This service is not suitable for anxiety problems. The suitable service for that is the Clear Mind service.

This service is not suitable for shyness, such as shyness to appear in public and shyness to talk to the opposite sex. The suitable service for that is the Heart of Steel service

This service is not suitable for procrastination. The suitable service for that is the Full Throttle - Stop Procrastinating service